Dino Detective


Concentration & memory
Creativity & fantasy
Language and communication

Reading is good for language development. It increases and enriches the vocabulary, making it easier for the child to put his own thoughts into words. Reading can also contribute to social development. A child can put himself in the shoes of different characters and learns that one can think differently about a situation or event than the other. Reading also improves the child's ability to concentrate and can stimulate the imagination.

Hop aboard Dino Detective's red plane and travel the world in search of lost animals and people. Nothing escapes his eye as sharp as that of a lynx: not a lost cat in a densely built-up medieval village and not a grandpa in a labyrinthine museum… especially if he is helped by the reader! For example, can you find the lost blue toad of the princess in the underground cavern with a thousand and one rooms?

  • Author: Sophie Guerrive
  • Number of pages: 36
  • Size: 24.6cm x 32.6cm
  • Age: 4-10 years

Children who are read to have a familiar feeling with books, so there is a good chance that they will later become enthusiastic readers themselves. They will be able to read independently more quickly. They will also be less bored at school, they will be more eager to learn, they will have a broader general knowledge and they will develop better.

Binding method: hardcover

Printing: 1e

Publication date: May 2023

Interactief lezen; Je kunt je kind extra bij het verhaal betrekken door bijvoorbeeld vragen te stellen.
Achteraf kun je napraten over het verhaal en over de ervaringen van je kind om zo een verbeelding te maken met de leefwereld.
Samen lezen voor het slapen gaan zorgt voor rust en regelmaat.
Probeer met het hele gezin het verhaal in het boek na te spelen. Zo zal het kind de gebeurtenis helemaal naleven. Met behulp van naspelen kun je aandacht geven aan het verhaalbegrip.

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